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Aliera Healthcare

No doubt healthcare is expensive and we are always looking for alternatives for quality healthcare.

Aliera provides ACA exempt Healthcare Sharing Plans. If you are not familiar with these plans they were exempted by ACA because of their ministry component.

Each plan provides

  • Preventative Care
  • Episodic Primary Care
  • Chronic Care
  • Labs & Diagnostics
  • Telemedicine
  • Prescription Drug Program
  • Urgent Care

Hospitalization and Surgery services are covered once the member share responsibility has been satisfied. You must agree with the statement of faith to be a part of this organization. Look at some of the brochures for more details on the different products that may fit both your individual and group needs.

Sign Up To Sell

If you’re not contracted with Aliera, contact the person that referred you to this page
or click on the link below to get started.